My Story

I have loved language since I was young – writing stories and studying foreign languages for the fun of it. This love of words led me to attain a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics, the science of language, and a Master’s of Education specializing in teaching English as a Second Language. Once I began teaching, I quickly noticed the importance of being able to explain concepts in multiple different ways and to any level of student, from beginner to advanced. I began to love the challenge of tailoring my words to suit a specific audience, a skill that now allows me to be an adaptable writer.

It was my combined interests in language and immigrant settlement that initially led me to pursue ESL education. You see, although I have a passion for academia, I have always had the desire to help others. My passions for both words and people have intersected not only in the classroom, but also in the non-profit sector. I have contributed my skills as a teacher, linguist and writer to multiple organizations and projects, but I find a special motivation in writing on behalf of those in need. Clearly communicating need and impact, whether it is with the public, funding organizations or donors, is vital to making sure that those doing good work can continue to do so.

In addition to education and the non-profit sector, the other place I love to be is in the world of the Arts. I have spent many happy hours within the worlds of latin and swing dancing, musical theatre, and opera over the last decade or so. These days my passions are creating bold, imaginative multimedia art and singing jazz and other soulful music. It is through these forms of expression that I keep my sanity and stay in touch with my imaginative side. I love living at this intersection of left brain and right brain, accuracy and creativity.

“I have long been fascinated by language because it masquerades as something simple and commonplace, but, when used well, it can be a powerful force: influencing attitudes, replacing frustration with insight, and bringing clarity that facilitates collaboration.”